February 21st: Miguel Moisés Quinteto
On Sunday we continued with a small concert in the Salón de Parque, where...

February 20th: Concierto Clasijazz Colectivo and First Electric Jam
After almost one month without concerts for the public we were so happy opening...

February 14th: Thematic guitar class with Chris
The second thematic class took place on Sunday February 14th, this time with Chris...

February 11th: Concert en Sevilla - CJBb Pro with Toni Vaquer
On February 11th, 2021 the BigBand Pro Clasijazz directed by the great Toni Vaquer...

First Thematic Class with Peter Connolly, February 7th
In the morning the first thematic class with a musician from the BigBand took...

CJBb Pro is back with Toni Valquer, February 7th
THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Yes, the show will go on, but taking all...

February 1st - Preparation of streaming of Master Thematic classes, Peter Connolly´s presentation
We are beginning a new month full of enthusiasm! The whole morning was dedicated...

January 30th - First streaming via Zoom
On Saturday evening Clasijazz hosted a Talk from the program Edujazz 2021, with...

January 27-29th: Announcement of new restrictions. Preparation of the brand new Studio
On the 27th January, the Andalusian government announced new restrictions due to the CoronaVirus....

Concert of CJBb Pro no 3. January 23rd. Roy Hargrove-Emergence. Feat. Bruno Calvo
The third repertoire of our BigBand was under management of Bruno Calvo, the trompetista...

The first fishing with the Clasijazz boat. January 20th.
The first oficial trip on the boat with the goal to catch some fish...

Rehearsal and second concert of CJBb Pro. January 15th.
During the rehearsal days our nice colleagues from the Clasijazz Cafetería prepare a nice...

First harvest and presentation of the boat Clasijazz. January 13th
We finally got our boat! The fishing team from the CJBb Pro, formed by...

First CJBb Pro concert "Women Composers". January 10th
Full of power the first CJBb Pro concert started at 19:00 led by Pablo...

Jam Session CJBb Pro. January 9th
Saturday 9th´s evening was originally dedicated to a different program, but unfortunately we had to...

First visit to Serendipia. January 8th.
First visit to the “Serendipia” vegetable garden! We woke up with an unusual weather...