What is all about?
The student will enjoy three shows of great musical and scenic quality. Also they will be provided with resources order to prepare themselves before the event. These shows will motivate them to play an instrument and dance whilst being in contact with other children, thus creating an important incentive for them to participate actively.
The project has two purposes:
- That the students enjoy 3 didactic concerts performed by great Spanish musicians and dancers, creating an artistic experience for them during their school term.
- Hiring 50 artists in a permanent basis during 3 months. Direct consequence of this is the boost of Almeria’s cultural offer, as this musicians will take part in other different musical activities and shows.

Information about Clasijazz
In 1998 Clasijazz registers as an association promoted by Pablo Mazuecos. In 2012 in establishes in their current location in Maestro Serrano, Oliveros, where they can benefit from a formidable space, with a large stage which gives the possibility to well accommodate the Big Band, and even more numerous groups like the FIMA Symphonic Orchestra, and as well various rooms to carry out the workshops.
With these series of didactic high quality concerts we intend to continue with the education of our people from its root, from their very first years, so they develop a love and taste for the real fine music, whilst having some good, healthy fun.
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1st Show: “Jazz through Big Band”
A group of twenty musicians from all parts of Spain integrate the Big Band under the direction of Lapso Prodductions, a musical-comedic company with large experience in the show business being proud creators of shows such as “Clásicos Excéntricos”, “El Cuarteto Maravilla”, “Proyecto Voltaire”, which never fail to move the audience with rythms the 20s till the present, vibes from New Orleans, Swing, Funk, Latino…
2nd Show: “Classic dance, contemporary, Spanish flamenco”
The professional company of dance of Clasijazz is composed by eight dancers supported by the Little Ballet of Clasijazz, where the audience will be able to go and watch kids and young people performing fantastic choreographies. The programmed dance works are part of the great hits of the history of dance.
3rd Show: “Orchestra, opera and original soundtracks”
The students will revisit the golden ages of music and song. They will also be introduced into the orchestral music for cinema with projections to illustrate it. All of this with a great symphonic orchestra, singers and the scenic direction of Curro Carerres.
Contacto para venta de entradas e información: clasijazzeducativo@gmail.com
Teléfono: 640 581 457 (Clasijazz)